Welcome to my demented mind!
Hi folks!
Here I am presenting my day in the not too pleasant, I have a terrible flu ¬ ¬ I got tired of having to find a picture to give a reply, so I found a dario better, and I always write too. Here I go escrbiendo my thoughts, ideas, comments about what this reading, which comes to my mind when I finish, I will publish the first chapter of my new fic ... Teen Titans eventually translate into English ^ ^ U Palneo translate everything to escrban) smiling with a horse XD
Alan (Colonel Brandon)
I can not believe I saw this man smiling! I always saw him doing wrong with the movies, is very locoh xP Thanks to my friend Mica and introduce me! xD Well, I say goodbye because I will eat pasta with rich cream that my mom prepared me ^ w ^ ** Raven
******* Welcome to my delirious mind!
Hi people! Here I am Presenting my jounal in a not very nice day, I hhorrible bird flu ¬ ¬. I got tired of searching fotolog photos to update my journal so I Thought a Would Be Better. Beside I always write too much for a fotolog ^ ^ U Here I'll write Thoughts, ideas, comments about the book I read at the moment, whatever you eat and to my mind, When I finish it I'll publish the first chapter of my new Teen Titans fic .... it'll translate to Inglés Eventually UI'm ^ ^ Everything planning to translate to Inglés I write here so I can practice
xP Something about myself That amazed me recently is the fascination That I Have for Jane Austen's books, I do not understand why & nb