Vampires, wizards and-this I will never understand-werewolves ... Is it just me, or do Women seem to Gravitate Towards Men Who Actually want to eat Them? Whats next? Hannibal Lecter? And please That Do not answer.
And while I'm at it, I can not resist on hating on The Few classics. What can I say? I'm a bitch. CHTim to die. Or at the very least, get some dirt on him. Anyone who can blow up a building, tredge through a swamp, almost get eaten up by some sort of exotic marine monstrosity and then stop another building from blowing up should be frickin' dirty. That's all I'm saying. And then he waltzes out with not so much as a speck on him. Tell me he doesn't deserve to be run over.
Enrique Iglesias. Yes, I liked him when I was 13. I admit it. But anyone who spends that much time defending 'Little Iggy' has issues.
And finally, on another level of paedophilia, the Jonas Brothers. They scare me. They are walking, talking Ken Dolls. Ken Dolls with instruments. That they don't know how to play. There I said it.
Anyway, in this melee, sifting the Few Good Men is still left a daunting task. However, I Have Achieved it. Because I am awesome. Presenting the alpha and omega of shaggability, and I do not care Who Disagro. These Are the only men left hot. Oh, and dibs.
Hugh Laurie:
Nothing is more attractive to a woman Than Someone Who saves lives. Except for a Guy Who saves lives and Does not Give A crap. We're fucked up that way. But this isn't about Dr House. Mr Laurie is sharp, talented, handsome and funny as hell. And His musical gift is nothing to scoff at. "Mystery & quXC Carlos Acosta:
This Cuban Adonis is God's gift to woman kind. I'm not kidding. He's beautiful. Period. I don't admit to knowing much about the wonderful world of dance, but even my untrained eye can grasp the absolute artistry of his performances. Form and grace personified. Not to mention that fine bone structure and keen soulful eyes. Truly magnificent.
More coming as soon as I find them. This is, after all a labor of love.