- Film Title: Let me
- Original title: Lat den ratte komma in (Let the Right One In)
- Director: Tomas Alfredson
- Year: 2008
- Nationality: Sweden
- Language: Swedish
- Genre: Drama. Terror. Fantastic.
- Actors involved : Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson, Per Ragnar, Henrik Dahl, Karin Bergquist.
- Story / plot : Oskar, a timid young man of 12 years, terrorized by bullies, befriends Eli, a mysterious neighbor, whose arrival coincides with a seriesinutes screen, or butchers.'s Stockholm in the 80's and are Eli and Oskar. There is a story full of solitude, silence, despite of a photograph where the snow is the main element and where the characters speak little. But mostly there is a story, beautiful by the minute, but that is again engulfed by darkness.
highly recommend it, even if you do not like this genre like me, really worthwhile. I can not explain what it is, as with so much darkness manages to shine, but it is a bet that the different and fresh that is worth seeing. I just yesterday I bought it on DVD.
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