It's a good thing I like to read my blog Every now and then. Last week, I Seriously Considered deleting my account for Some reason I can not recall Longer. Bad day, I guess. Anyway, it Helps to go back Every now and then and laugh at Some of the posts. Some are funny, Some Are inane. But none of themes are morbid. I Took Care of That. No doubt There's a bit of Jean Teasdale Here and There in my writing, pero I make it work. Yes. That 'm good.
Due Date
I saw today. It Was Fun. What a good looking with Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Goodgodwhatkindofnameisthatis. The Latte is funny, pero G Pointed out as I did the exact Same Thing in Hangover. Oh well, as long as its funny. It did raise Though Some Ethical questions. It's wrong to spit in a dog's eye, te Otherwise I Would kill him.
Also, His dog does not like me. This is the first time I That Have Encountered a dog does not like me. Well, second really. The first dog I did not like WAS Also an Alsatian. But I slammed the door in His face. Nasty bastard Could hold a grudge sure. Speaking of Alsatians, MOST of themes are wimps. They Lose Their shit as soon as a fire cracker goes off. That's inconvenient if Said Severely shit is about the Same size as a small mammal. One point for building mum's case in the on-going debate "Why we wont ever get a dog, and if we do it will Be Over my dead body".
So we Decided to get ducks. Yes. I Said ducks. For the pond in Jodhpur. Unfortunately There's a half-starved cat around Who Seem Tofully endorse the idea of ducks in the vicinity so its been put on hold. Atleast until the cat decides to go vegan.
And what is the deal with vegan? I can eat only plant products but no animal products? That's not right. All the good stuff has legs! And how are babies supposed to get along without milk? That can't be legal.
I tried Eggs Benedict today. It was rather nice and pretty fancy. Except I have it only all the time. Its egg on toast with ham. The only big difference is this hollandaise sauce which frankly, I didn't really see. But as I said, very tasty. Plus I got some bacon and sausages from a certain boyfriend who cant stand pork and ordered a plateful on my recommendation. Whoops.
In other n
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