News of the day
Torres you Become a dad again!
Congratulations to Fernando and Olalla. And to Nora who's getting a baby brother = D
Wrong size of the day
lol did all suits come in one size?
Random Fact of the day I know I've
Villa Brought up singing a lot of times But I just HAD to say, For Those Who wonders, His voice is NOT auto-tuned at all. And it Took Them for only one hour to record it.
This Is What the producer of the album said ...
"To the surprise of almost everyone, Villa was the que better toned. Fernando Montesinos explains: "With David it took only an hour to record the song. And I can assure you that we have not used the digital tuner in it. Sung to perfection. " Witnesses say that when they arrived at the studio was very quiet. "That you realize it's a crack," he says Montesinos. "
Cutenes of the day
Matita Awww.
But That Does not look too cuddly cup = P
Question of the day
Will Smith go to see the Manchester United-Valencia game tomorrValencia
pic of the day
I Would not Mind Spending Christmas there, I'm sick of all the cold snow = P
Davids of the day
what are you doing behind
Silva to make him do That Face"
jokes. Must resist!
Look-alike of the day
Exercise of the day
Matching outfits of the day
Same sort of Hoddie from Dolce & Gabbana but different motives, Silva Villa got James Dean and Steve McQueen.
lol But why are you holding a penguin Villa?
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