Those that know me dont really tag me as sort of girl. Frankly, I get more enjoyment out of watching a plastic slinky find its way down the stairs than talking to 73% (estimated figure) of the human populace. Thats why when someone well meaning albeit oblivious brings about the famed ' shaadi-byah ' topic, I feel like I have been slapped in the face by the mehendi covered hand of fate.
Now, dont get me wrong. I have nothing against the institution of marriage. Hey, it works right? I know tons of successful people, and some of them are married. Coincidence? Probably, but...there you go. But its The Great Indian Wedding that inspires fear. And not just any old fear. This is thand sort of fear with Nikhil's Economic Theories Which hold up as viable candidates.
I come from a family Where Women Dominate by sheer force of numbers. Lets look at the facts: My grandmother has a sister, my mother has a sister, I have a sister and 2 cousins-both girls-we're looking at a 1:2 girl guy ratio and thats just my mum's side. All in all, i have about 6 sisters, cousins included, and only one brother who-lets face it-isn't going to get married Any time soon. The problem? Sisters Are Said normal, romantic girls with a very rosy view of matrimony. That I know atleast 5 of themes are in love / infatuated / willing to get married soon. So Where Does That Leave Me, me being one of aforemention the elder ones? Nowhere comfortable I Assure you! I'm Caught Between a Rockand to Baaraat here, people! Speaking of
baaraats, I Have Always Had a very unhappy association with Them. They're way too loud, too too red and gold, Our jolly courtesy Punjabi Aunties! This May Be One reason I never much liked the Gryffindor house. Them I always imagine playing with a band playing Quidditch "Doli saja ke rakhna."
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my time is coming. It wont be long now. A distant cousin (not included in the above) recently consente to tying the Not and will be 'gittin' hitched 'this November. Thats Where the menangerie starts. Theres Going To Be a virtual barrage of match making of autnies Chirping away. These Are some of the gems I am sure to Have Thrown my way ...Though WORST part is? Mum says I cannot take my slinky to the wedding!
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