There's this new mumbo jumbo about a new grading system for the tenth. In Addition There's the "five pass, one fail = all pass" implementation. Apparently, this will all Be in force by 2010. Now my question ... how in the name of Hugh Laurie is this going to help anybody?
The grading system, I Cannot Say Its awful. its not awesome but ... oh well. So kids will get As INSTEAD OF 90s. Frankly, That nothing changes file at the matriculate level. It's just one less exam s, which is great for kids and Parents and Stress Levels. But how does this help Anyone education wise? Where is the value added? I really dont really see it.
this lousy five pass, one pass rule fail = That I Simply cannot come to Terms with. What, may I ask is the point of handing out marks to People Who cannot compete in the first place? If They cannot compete now they'll think What Makes You Be Able to d It Later? Sure You'll Get Them Through This exam and the next one and the next one, But The Fact That doesn't change the quota That gravy train ends somewhere. And Then what? Who suffers? Everyone, thats who. Its
the SC / ST IIT IIM story all over again. You get people Into Universities and institutes of repute, But you cannot keep Them There. Lets face it, its tall this at the cost of some deserving bloke in the General category, who could have made good use of that seat. So either way, that leaves two rosy alternatives - either IIT/IIM has to lower its standards-a fine choice to take in today's increasingly competititve global environment- OR and we're just going out on a limb here- those who cant cope will have to learn to. Without the quota/ exemptions/ relaxations.
The way I see it, quotas rule. In fact I am all for them. Make it a 50% quota if you like.
At a primary level.
You want to benefit scheduled casttes and tribes? Make sure private schools reserve seats for them at the first/ second class level. Subsidise the fees. Provide training for teachers to handle every child. Make
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