Friday, June 26, 2009

Poptropica How To Get Everything

tarted with Johnny Lever-strangely enough- and his all too famous Michael Jackson stand up gig. And so it went on and on...and on some more. What with child abuse cases and drug addiction, he became an easy target for the media vultures. And by the time he started taking refuge in religion, everyone knew that it was the beginning of the end.
The way I see it- he wasnt perfect. And I didnt like him. I thought he was crazy- and I'm pretty sure I'm right. But he did give something back. He gave us the 90s like we remember them- with the black kid and his white gloves and his zipper jacket and his awesome songs. He gave me a part of childhood that I probably could have done without, had it not been there...but it
was there. It's there in the back of my head with the bubble machines and the hoola hoops and the Khalnaayak
song. It May Not Be world peace, it May Not Be time travel ... but ITS Something.

And so, I pray for Michael Jackson. I hope he's in a Better Place. I really honestly do. May Most of you remember him as a loony white hasbeen with A Few Screws Loose, and you wont Be all that's wrong. But I want to remember him like this.

So long Jackson. I'll miss you.


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